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Giselle grew up in Fayetteville, NY with an older sister and English Cocker Spaniel, Sadie. Giselle's report cards always read: loves talking during class. Giselle went to Faith Heritage School from preschool through senior year, and absolutely loved the teachers and her fellow students.
In high school, Giselle worked for Panera Bread and at the New York State Fair as a Lemon Girl where she would serve the best lemonade this side of the Mississippi. Giselle was an avid concert goer and camper, and loved spending time with her friends from school. Like Nat and Tai, Giselle attended Roberts Wesleyan College where she studied Communication.
During her time at Roberts, Giselle worked multiple jobs on and off campus. She was a student caller, worked as a teacher's assistant, and coordinated multiple mock interview nights for the business department. Off campus, she worked for Panera, Sun Tan City, and as an office manager at Green Lakes State Park.
After college, Giselle worked for the Roberts Admissions department and quickly became the assistant director of Admissions. In 2019 Giselle convinced Nat to start putting more effort into growing the wholesale part of the business, and we haven't looked back since.
Giselle is very well rounded and abundantly capable and she brings a much needed "woman's touch" to the Nat's Nuts team. Some of the stuff she does...